So I’m back. Yes, the past two months have been unbelievable. Out of the social media radar… and unbelievable. Stopping for a moment and looking back at what have happened in the last two months is like reviewing and trying to remember some sort of strange dream the moment you wake up. Many stories, many experiences that each by itself is a life changing event. Much to process, much to tell, much to remember.
I’ve been sleeping and living in a secluded Buddhist monastery high up in the Himalayas, next to the Tibetan border, sharing the day to day life of Buddhist monks; on a valley secluded from the rest of the world by the snow for almost 6-7 months each year. Getting there by the most defying, treacherous unpaved roads you can think of. Looking how the wheel of your transport was hours and days centimetres away from a cliff with a hundred meters fall.
I´ve been cast away in the Pacific Ocean on Panama´s coast for almost two days after the engine of our small boat broke; surrounded by luminescent plankton, the sound of the breath of whales and the most insane Milky Way starry sky I´ve ever seen while sleeping on a little, lonely boat in the vastness of the ocean. Being finally rescued by the Panamanian Army with a military airplane and making the local and international news.
I´ve been building homes from scratch in Nicaragua with the most amazing bunch of people I´ve met in a long time for families that received a new roof to sleep under and an opportunity in life for developing and overcome their actual situation.
I´ve been witnessing from the water while surfing the power of the Nicaraguan ocean while thunders, lightnings and rain showered drop by drop the surface of the sea that was bathed by a mantle of orange light at sunset.
So, definitely a kind of dream that have to be processed. With many details, many photos, many different stories to tell that will gradually see the light. So why haven’t I posted anything of this in the past few months in any social media? I somehow felt I needed to fully live these moments. Embrace what I was living at that time, without the need of reporting it or telling about it to anyone. This adventures needed my full attention, without distractions. An old-school travel. Now and only now that they are over and have been fully lived; now is the moment of processing them, writing down and narrate all what have happened, all what have been learnt. Coming soon.